
Phone Validator

Validate phone numbers easily with our free “Phone Validator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of checking the format and validity of phone numbers.

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KML Viewer

View KML files effortlessly with our free “KML Viewer” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of visualizing geographic data encoded in Keyhole Markup Language (KML) format.

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Email Validator

Validate email addresses easily with our free “Email Validator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of checking the format and validity of email addresses.

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BIN Lookup

Lookup BIN (Bank Identification Number) information easily with our free “BIN Lookup” tool, no login required.

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Sigma Calculator

Calculate summations easily with our free “Sigma Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of determining the sum of a series of numbers using sigma notation.

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Empirical Rule Calculator

Calculate empirical rule statistics easily with our free “Empirical Rule Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of analyzing data distributions by inputting mean and standard deviation values to determine percentage ranges.

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Scientific Calculator

Perform scientific calculations easily with our free “Scientific Calculator Tool,” no login required. Simplify complex mathematical operations with functions such as trigonometry, logarithms, and exponentials.

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Tip Calculator

Calculate tips easily with our free “Tip Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of determining tip amounts for meals by inputting the bill total and desired tip percentage.

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Data Storage Converter

Convert data storage units easily with our free “Data Storage Converter” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of converting between different storage units such as bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes.

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Bitwise Calculator

Perform bitwise calculations easily with our free “Bitwise Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of performing bitwise operations such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT on binary numbers.

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Engineer Calculator

Perform engineering calculations effortlessly with our free “Engineer Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify complex calculations for various engineering disciplines.

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PayPal Fee Calculator

Calculate PayPal fees easily with our free “PayPal Fee Calculator” tool, no login required. Simplify the process of determining fees for PayPal transactions by inputting the transaction amount.

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